About the sessions
With personalised sessions and a variety of proven methods, I will focus on your interests to have memorable material and exchanges together. We will build up your French at your best pace to learn. You will speak, learn to understand French in multiple different ways and acquire better comprehension and expression. From simple vocabulary to more connected and fluent elaborate sentences, I will gradually help you to express yourself and constantly sharpen your dicussions or presentations.
Alors, un deux trois, c'est parti!
About Olivier
Amongst other language certifications to train in person and online, I earned the Cambridge CELTA, to teach English to Adults, and I am part of the Alliance Francaise certification. I have been teaching French for the last 10 years: "le FLE" - français langue étrangère. My first degree was in International Business and Finance at American University in DC, then a Masters in Sustainable Enterprising with the Stockholm Resilience Center in Sweden, and I am finishing a Master in Education from Finland. I worked in a number of different sectors in the USA, UK, France and Sweden, including Finance, Real Estate and Construction, International Business and Sustainability. I like to build my programs around your interests! I really enjoy our different cultures so if it's about wine, films, French songs or French and American culture in French .. allons-y!